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Cloud Storage Variables

These environment variables control how Cloud Storage is configured and used.

Variable Type Description
MCLOUD_TOOL_ENABLED_STORAGE boolean Cloud storage is enabled.
MCLOUD_STORAGE_PROVIDER string The cloud storage provider to use. Valid values: s3, google, do, minio, wasabi, other-s3 and backblaze.
MCLOUD_STORAGE_S3_ACCESS_KEY string The access key for S3 and S3-compatible services.
MCLOUD_STORAGE_S3_SECRET string The secret key for S3 and S3-compatible services.
MCLOUD_STORAGE_S3_USE_CREDENTIAL_PROVIDER boolean When this is enabled, Media Cloud will load your S3 credentials from the environment, ~/.aws/credentials or ~/.aws/config. When this is enabled, the Access Key and Secret values specified in these settings will be ignored. This is an advanced option and should only be enabled if you know what you are doing.
MCLOUD_STORAGE_S3_REGION string The region name, valid values are service dependent.
MCLOUD_STORAGE_S3_BUCKET string The name of the bucket to use for S3 and S3-compatible services.
MCLOUD_STORAGE_S3_ENDPOINT host The end point host for S3-compatible services. For example, DigitalOcean NYC-3 would be
MCLOUD_STORAGE_S3_USE_PATH_STYLE_ENDPOINT boolean Sends request to an S3 path style endpoint, for S3-compatible services only.
MCLOUD_STORAGE_S3_USE_TRANSFER_ACCELERATION boolean Enables transfer acceleration for Amazon S3 only.
MCLOUD_STORAGE_GOOGLE_BUCKET string The name of the bucket to use for Google Cloud Storage.
MCLOUD_STORAGE_GOOGLE_CREDENTIALS_FILE path The file path for the Google json credentials file.
MCLOUD_STORAGE_BACKBLAZE_BUCKET_URL url URL for the backblaze bucket.
MCLOUD_STORAGE_BACKBLAZE_KEY string The application key to use for Backblaze.
MCLOUD_STORAGE_PRIVACY string Privacy ACL for uploads, valid values are public-read or authenticated-read.
MCLOUD_STORAGE_PRIVACY_IMAGES string Privacy ACL for image uploads, valid values are inherit, public-read or authenticated-read.
MCLOUD_STORAGE_PRIVACY_VIDEO string Privacy ACL for video uploads, valid values are inherit, public-read or authenticated-read.
MCLOUD_STORAGE_PRIVACY_AUDIO string Privacy ACL for audio uploads, valid values are inherit, public-read or authenticated-read.
MCLOUD_STORAGE_PRIVACY_DOCS string Privacy ACL for document uploads, valid values are inherit, public-read or authenticated-read.
MCLOUD_STORAGE_PREFIX string The prefix for file upload paths.
MCLOUD_STORAGE_UPLOAD_IMAGES boolean Upload image files to cloud storage.
MCLOUD_STORAGE_UPLOAD_VIDEOS boolean Upload video files to cloud storage.
MCLOUD_STORAGE_UPLOAD_AUDIO boolean Upload audio files to cloud storage.
MCLOUD_STORAGE_UPLOAD_DOCUMENTS boolean Allow non-media files to be uploaded to cloud storage.
MCLOUD_STORAGE_IGNORED_MIME_TYPES string MIME types of files that should not be uploaded to cloud storage.
MCLOUD_STORAGE_DOC_CDN_BASE url Base URL for document (non-media) CDN.
MCLOUD_STORAGE_CACHE_CONTROL string Default cache control for uploads.
MCLOUD_STORAGE_EXPIRES number Cache expiration for uploaded files.
MCLOUD_STORAGE_DELETE_FROM_SERVER boolean Delete from cloud storage when deleted from media library.
MCLOUD_STORAGE_DELETE_UPLOADS boolean Delete uploads after uploaded to cloud storage.
MCLOUD_STORAGE_DISPLAY_BADGE boolean Display cloud icon in media library for uploaded media.
MCLOUD_STORAGE_DISPLAY_MEDIA_LIST boolean Add extra column to media library in list view mode.
MCLOUD_STORAGE_PRESIGNED_EXPIRATION number Number of minutes pre-signed URLs are valid for.
MCLOUD_STORAGE_USE_PRESIGNED_URLS_IMAGES boolean Use pre-signed URLs for images. If MCLOUD_STORAGE_USE_PRESIGNED_URLS is enabled, this setting is ignored.
MCLOUD_STORAGE_PRESIGNED_EXPIRATION_IMAGES number Number of minutes pre-signed URLs for images are valid for. If set to 0, then MCLOUD_STORAGE_PRESIGNED_EXPIRATION will be used.
MCLOUD_STORAGE_USE_PRESIGNED_URLS_VIDEO boolean Use pre-signed URLs for videos. If MCLOUD_STORAGE_USE_PRESIGNED_URLS is enabled, this setting is ignored.
MCLOUD_STORAGE_PRESIGNED_EXPIRATION_VIDEO number Number of minutes pre-signed URLs for video are valid for. If set to 0, then MCLOUD_STORAGE_PRESIGNED_EXPIRATION will be used.
MCLOUD_STORAGE_USE_PRESIGNED_URLS_AUDIO boolean Use pre-signed URLs for audio. If MCLOUD_STORAGE_USE_PRESIGNED_URLS is enabled, this setting is ignored.
MCLOUD_STORAGE_PRESIGNED_EXPIRATION_AUDIO number Number of minutes pre-signed URLs for audio are valid for. If set to 0, then MCLOUD_STORAGE_PRESIGNED_EXPIRATION will be used.
MCLOUD_STORAGE_USE_PRESIGNED_URLS_DOCS boolean Use pre-signed URLs for documents. If MCLOUD_STORAGE_USE_PRESIGNED_URLS is enabled, this setting is ignored.
MCLOUD_STORAGE_PRESIGNED_EXPIRATION_DOCS number Number of minutes pre-signed URLs for documents are valid for. If set to 0, then MCLOUD_STORAGE_PRESIGNED_EXPIRATION will be used.