Provider Settings
Each service has their own version of an API key/secret or token. Once you’ve signed up for a service, you can find these here:
- Kraken API Dashboard
- ShortPixel: Short Pixel account
- Imagify: Imagify account
- TinyPNG: TinyPNG account
Upload Image
When this option is enabled, Media Cloud will upload the image to the service instead of sending it a URL that it can pull to optimize the image. If this is disabled, your site must be publicly accessible so that the service can pull the image from your site to process it.
Optimize in Background
Optimization can be a slow process, particularly if you have a lot of image sizes defined in your theme. When this option is disabled, all the processing will happen as you upload which can make uploads very slow. When this is enabled, Media Cloud will process this in the background. Note that when this is enabled, Media Cloud will not upload to Cloud Storage until after the optimization step is done. So don’t be alarmed when it looks like your uploads haven’t been uploaded to the cloud, they are likely waiting to be processed by the image optimizer first.