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Import From Cloud Storage

Imports media from cloud storage into your WordPress media library. Premium version only.

wp mediacloud:storage import [--import-path=<string>] [--preserve-paths=preserve|replace|prepend] [--import-only]  [--skip-thumbnails]
Argument Type Optional Description
import-path string yes The path on your cloud storage bucket to import from, default is /
preserve-paths string yes Controls the upload path. preserve will preserve the files current path, replace will replace it with the custom prefix defined in cloud storage settings. prepend will prepend the custom prefix with the existing upload directory.
import-only switch yes Don’t download, import to database only.
skip-thumbnails switch yes Skips any images that look like they might be thumbnails. If this option is on, you may import images that are thumbnails but they will be treated as individual images. Default is true.