Cloud Storage
There are a lot of cloud storage providers to choose from and we support nearly all of them. You’ve probably already picked one, but if you haven’t, there are a few things to consider when shopping around:
- Features
- Speed
- Price
Choosing a provider is also a commitment because once you’ve selected one and have used it for a length of time, switching to another one is going to be difficult and time consuming. So while you might be prioritizing price over the other features and speed, I’d encourage you to prioritize features first.
We’ve tested and used nearly every cloud storage provider under the sun and our top choices are the obvious ones: Amazon S3, Google Cloud Storage, DigitalOcean Spaces and, in certain cases, Minio. These providers offer a nice balance of features, performance and price.
Articles in Cloud Storage
Setting Up Amazon S3
Before we can use Media Cloud, you’ll first need to go through some basic steps to create a bucket on S3 and a user account we can use to access that bucket. Using the Amazon console can be a little intimidating at first, but if you stick to these steps you should be able to breeze right through it.
Setting Up Bunny CDN
Setting up Bunny CDN for use with Media Cloud is probably the easiest of all the cloud storage providers we support. Get it up and running in 5 easy steps.
Setting Up Google Cloud Storage
Before you can use Google Cloud Storage with Media Cloud, you’ll first need to go through some basic steps to get going. It looks complicated, but if you stick with the steps outlined, you should be able to get through the process in about 10-15 minutes.
Setting Up DigitalOcean Spaces
Before you can use DigitalOcean Spaces with Media Cloud, you’ll first need to go through some basic steps to get going. Thankfully, DigitalOcean is the easiest to setup of the major cloud storage providers. However, there are a few gotchas, so if you follow this guide you’ll have everything up and running correctly very quickly.
Setting Up Backblaze
Even though we support Backblaze, it’s really recommended that you consider a different cloud storage provider. Backblaze is really only good for archival and lacks the features necessary for things like pre-signed URLs (important for WooCommerce or Easy Digital Downloads), direct uploads, etc. Additionally, in our testing, Backblaze is consistently has the worst performance in terms of upload and download speeds. Caveat emptor.
Setting Up Wasabi
Learn how to get going quickly using Wasabi as your cloud storage provider.
Upload Handling Settings
When configuring your cloud storage you have a variety of options to control how uploads are handled by WordPress and Media Cloud.
CDN Settings
If you aren’t using imgix, it’s recommended that you use some sort of CDN to deliver your media to your end users.
Pre-Signed URL Settings
Pre-signed URLs will generate secure signed URLs for your uploaded media that expire after a specified amount of time.
Media Library Integration
Learn how Media Cloud integrates with the WordPress media library.